Legal Separation

We work with the best family lawyers in Belgium and best divorce lawyers in Belgium.
Many legal issues arise when a couple decides to divorce or separate. At Lawyer Brussels, we help our clients analyze and resolve all issues and concerns that arise within the context of a divorce or separation. We work closely with accountants and forensic experts in analyzing complex financial issues.

Equitable distribution of marital assets and marital debt

Spousal support and child support

Valuation and distribution of retirement accounts

Uncontested divorce

Post judgment proceedings

High asset divorce

Post judgment proceedings

Equitable Distribution - This includes the division of all assets and debts acquired during the marriage. Assets may include cash accounts, real estate holdings, securities, pensions, investment portfolios, stock options, deferred compensation, enhanced earnings and degrees earned during the marriage.

Custody and Visitation - At Lawyer Brussels, we work with our clients to create parenting plans that are in the best interests of the children. Parenting plans address where the child will live, who will make decisions with regard to issues such as health, education, religion and welfare of the child and the scheduling of the non-custodial parent’s access to the child.