Personal Injury

While primarily focusing their practice on personal injury representation, the personal injury attorneys at our network of Lawyers also represent clients in family law and real estate matters. Their lawyers bring decades of combined experience and dedication to handling each client’s issues while vigorously protecting their rights and interests.
Our network of Lawyers and attorneys handle cases all over Belgium, Brussels, Liege, Antwerp... etc. in the following practice areas:

Construction accidents.
Negligence at construction sites can result in accidents involving ladder and scaffolding falls, demolition, excavation, roofing falls, defective equipment, cleaning hazards and toxic paint exposure.

Slip and fall.
Slips and falls can occur due to a failure to maintain safe grounds and buildings. Sidewalk and roadway defects, loose steps or stairway railings, elevators or escalators in disrepair, and unsafe playgrounds can result in serious accidents.

Automobile accidents.
Motor vehicle accidents put people's lives in danger on a daily basis. Our lawyers have extensive experience with all types of automobile accidents such as car, pedestrian, motorcycle, train, subway and motorcycle accidents.

School accidents.
Lawsuits arise when school parks and city playgrounds are unsafe for children. Faulty playground equipment, lack of maintenance and inadequate supervision can cause serious injuries.

Defective products.
Manufacturers are responsible for making products safe for consumers, whether through proper design, manufacturing or label warnings.

Wrongful death.
Families can pursue a wrongful death claim when the loss of a loved one results from someone else’s negligence.

Medical malpractice.
Medical malpractice cases require expert testimony for substantiating failures to uphold acceptable medical standards. Our attorneys handle malpractice cases involving failure to diagnose, birth injury and other types of negligent medical care.

Environmental torts.
Toxic exposure is possible through chemical spills, polluted groundwater and other sources. In many cases, lawyers can hold responsible parties liable for damages.

Family law.
Families often need legal assistance with family law issues such as divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, property division, protective orders and prenuptial agreements.

Real estate.
A real estate attorney can ensure purchase and sales transactions are sound, handle closings and help clients resolve property disputes.